Friday, April 20, 2012

Earth Science agenda and packet list

Friday's Agenda 4/20

Chp. 24 test

Make classwork packets/makeup work

Student grade conferences

Perfect attendace 5th: Ke'Ona and Neli

6th per: Brians B, Brian R., Jose, Calvin, Marcos, Yul, Rossy, Terrance

Earth Science Classwork 4/20

1. 24.1 concept map/vocab 20

2. 24.1 notes/brainpop 20

3. 24.1 reading checkpoint questions and #6 20

4. 24.2 concept map/vocab 20

5. 24.2 notes/brainpop 20

6. 24.2 Reading ckpt qs (3) & sect. qs #s 3 and 5 20

7. Notes on 24.3/ Brainpop 20

8. 24.3 concept map and vocab 40

9. Chapter 24 assessment 20

Total +
10 points for this cover sheet and order = 210

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