Chemistry Syllabus

San Pasqual Academy


Course Syllabus

Spring 2013


TEACHER: Ms. Davis

ROOM:  205/206

PHONE:  760-233-6001


WEBPAGE/BLOG: or go to school blog and choose Davis from list

TEXTBOOKS:  Smells, Weather and Toxins student workbooks, Chemistry textbook

SUPPLIES:  Calculator, binder, paper, pens, and pencils

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Introduction to Chemistry

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  Lessons will be based on the CA State Standards for Chemistry

Teaching Methods and Organization: 

Daily agendas, classwork, homework as assigned, content mastery tests, lab activities, and projects as assigned 


Tests on content covered.  Projects, labs, and presentations periodically.

Grading Policy:

Academic - Point based - Classwork is 50 points per day and homework ranges from 50-100 points.  Tests range from 300-500 points.  Grades will be calculated every progress report and final grades will be determined by combining all 3 grading periods for the semester.  This allows students to start fresh after each progress report.

Citizenship -  Please see attached rubric

Attendance and Tardy Policy: 

Students arriving late to class will not get their daily agenda stamped in their planner for five points (I will sign these planners instead).  More than 7 tardies will result in an F in citizenship for each progress report period.

Class work/Assignment Make-up Policy: 

Any late work will receive half credit.   In order to receive full credit, the late assignment must have a “Science in the News” assignment attached to it (please see attached example).  Lastly, if you are absent for any reason, you will need to complete a “Science in the News” to make up for your absence in addition to missed work.

Extra Credit Policy (if applicable): 

May be offered at various times.  Come to me with any idea for extra credit and I will consider it.  Ideas should benefit the learning of all students (ex. Make a model, perform a science experiment, or clean up the lab).  I will determine the points that each extra credit activity receives.

Tutoring Time: 

By appointment or most days after school